
Theory/Model details. (MORE INFO)

Theory/Model: TPB

Theory of Planned Behavior

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was initially proposed by Ajzen (1985), and later gained prominence when it was published (Ajzen, 1991). This theory originates in the area of social psychology (Taylor & Todd, 1995c), and is an extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), made necessary from the limitations of the original model in dealing with behaviors over which people have incomplete volitional control (Ajzen, 1991). The TPB proposes that the intention of an individual to have a given behavior can be explained with precision by the attitude that the individual has to the behavior, by a set of subjective norms, and by the perception about the control of the behavior by the individual (Ajzen, 1991).

References: (Ajzen, 1985; Ajzen, 1991; Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Taylor & Todd, 1995c)

Note: This diagram only contains the constructs proposed in the original theory/model.

Note: This list contains the contexts were the theory/model was used/applied.

Not Specified
Note 1: This list contains not only the constructs proposed in the original theory/model but also the constructs proposed by the authors that applied the theory/model in a particular context.
Note 2: Are only presented the constructs that are described in the literature in terms of indicators.

  • Construct: Attitude Towards the Behavior
      For me, cleaning spyware from my computer would be.Scale 1 to 5, Very Bad Idea to Very Good IdeaAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      For me, preventing spyware from self-installing on my computer would be.Scale 1 to 5, Very Bad Idea to Very Good IdeaAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      For me, protecting my computer from spyware would be.Scale 1 to 5, Very Bad Idea to Very Good IdeaAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      All things considered, using the system is a foolish move...wise move.Scale 0 to 10Not Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      All things considered, using the system is a negative step...positive step.Scale 0 to 10Not Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      All things considered, using the system is a ineffective idea...effective idea.Scale 0 to 10Not Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      Using the system is a (bad/good) idea. Scale 1 to 7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      Using the system is a (foolish/wise) idea.Scale 1 to 7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      I (dislike/like) the idea of using the system. Scale 1 to 7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      Using the system is (unpleasant/pleasant).Scale 1 to 7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
  • Construct: Attitude toward Getting Information
      For me, getting information about this product from this website within the next 30 days would be.Scale 1 to 7, Very Bad to Good Ideae-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting information about this product from this website within the next 30 days would be.Scale 1 to 7, Very Foolish to Wisee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Awareness
      I follow news and developments about the spyware technology.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I discuss with friends and people around me security issues of Internet.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I read about the problems of malicious software intruding Internet users’ computers.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I seek advice on computer web sites or magazines about anti-spyware products.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I am aware of the spyware problems and consequences.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev & Hu, 2007)
  • Construct: Controllability
      I have the skill and resources to clean spyware from my computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I have the skill and resources to protect my computer from spyware.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      Whether or not to clean spyware from my computer is completely under my control.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
  • Construct: Controllability over Getting Information
      All necessary resources for getting information about this product from this website will be accessible to me within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Getting information about this product from this website within the next 30 days is completely under my control.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Download Delay
      I expect the speed by which this website would provide information to be fast enough.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      The speed by which a website provides information would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I expect the rate at which the information would be displayed on this website to be fast enough.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      A fast rate at which websites display information would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Facilitating Conditions
      I have the human and technological resources necessary to use the system.Scale 0 to 10, Disagree Completely to Agree CompletelyNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      I have the knowledge necessary to use the system.Scale 0 to 10, Disagree Completely to Agree CompletelyNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      A specific person (or group) is available for assistance with system difficulties.Scale 0 to 10, Disagree Completely to Agree CompletelyNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
  • Construct: Getting Information
      During the last 30 days, I got information about this product from this website.Yes or Noe-Commerce
  • Construct: Getting Information Habit
      Getting product information from this vendor’s website has become a habit for me.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Getting product information from this website has become natural for me.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Getting Information Skills
      If I wanted to, I could become skillful at comparing and evaluating products on this website.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Becoming skillful would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      If I wanted to, I could easily become knowledgeable about getting all relevant information about products from this website.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Becoming knowledgeable about getting information would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to get all relevant information about this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Intention
      I intend to periodically use anti-spyware applications to protect my computer from spyware.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      In the immediate future I intend to customize my browser and computer settings to prevent the intrusion of spyware to my computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I intend to periodically check my browser and computer settings to prevent the intrusion of spyware to my computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I intend to continue using this system to solve various problems.Scale 0 to 10, Not at All to Very MuchNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      I intend to continue using this system to justify my decisions.Scale 0 to 10, Not at All to Very MuchNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      I intend to continue using this system to exchange with other people.Scale 0 to 10, Not at All to Very MuchNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      I intend to continue using this system to plan or follow-up on my tasks.Scale 0 to 10, Not at All to Very MuchNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      I intend to continue using this system to coordinate with others.Scale 0 to 10, Not at All to Very MuchNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      I intend to continue using this system to serve customers.Scale 0 to 10, Not at All to Very MuchNot Specified(Titah & Barki, 2009)
      Assuming I had access to the system, I intend to use it. Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      Given that I had access to the system, I predict that I would use it.Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
  • Construct: Intentions to Get Information
      I intend to get information about this product from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I plan to get information about this product from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Monetary Resources
      I expect to have the money needed to purchase this product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Having the money needed to purchase products would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      It would be within my budget to purchase this product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Being within my budget would make it (much more difficult/ easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Past Experience – Getting Information
      How long have you been using the Internet for getting information about products? ____ years.Direct Answere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      During the last 30 days, how much time did you spend on the Internet getting product information in general? ____ hours.Direct Answere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      During the last year, how many times have you made product purchases from the selected Web vendor? _____ times.Direct Answere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Past Experience – Purchasing
      During the last year, how many times have you made product purchases from the Internet in general? ____times.Direct Answere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      During the last year, how much have you approximately spent on Internet purchases? $ ____.Direct Answere-Commerce
      During the last year, how many times have you made product purchases from the selected Web vendor? ____ times.Direct Answere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Perceived Behavioral Control
      Please rate the difficulty for you to clean spyware from your computer using anti-spyware applications.Scale 1 to 5, Extremely difficult to Extremely easyAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      Please rate the difficulty for you to protect your computer from spyware.Scale 1 to 5, Extremely difficult to Extremely easyAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I have control over using the system. Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      I have the resources necessary to use the system.Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      I have the knowledge necessary to use the system. Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      Given the resources, opportunities and knowledge it takes to use the system, it would be easy for me to use the system.Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
      The system is not compatible with other systems I use.Likert 1-7Not Specified(Kim, 2009)
  • Construct: Perceived Diagnosticity
      I expect this website to help me get a real feel for this product.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Being able to get a real feel for a product would make it (much more difficult/ easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I expect this website to help me carefully evaluate this product.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Being able to carefully evaluate a product would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Perceived Ease of Getting Information
      Getting information about this product from this website would be easy.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting product information easily from a website is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Learning how to get information about this product from this website would be easy.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, learning how to get product information easily from a website is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Perceived Ease of Purchasing
      Purchasing this product from this website would be easy.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, purchasing products easily from a Web vendor is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Learning how to purchase this product from this Web vendor would be easy.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, learning how to purchase products easily from a Web vendor is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Perceived Ease of Use
      The process of configuring my computer to protect from spyware is clear and understandable.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      It would be easy for me to prevent spyware from running on my computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      It would be easy for me to clean my computer from spyware.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
  • Construct: Perceived Information Protection
      I expect my personal information to be adequately protected when I purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      An adequate protection of my personal information would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to purchase this product from this vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I feel secure that my personal information is kept private when I purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Feeling secure that personal information is kept private would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Perceived Purchasing Usefulness
      This website would be useful in purchasing this product.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, a website that is useful in purchasing products is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      This website would enhance my effectiveness in purchasing this product.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, a website that enhances my effectiveness in purchasing products is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Perceived Usefulness
      I believe it is beneficial to protect my computer from spyware.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I believe protecting from spyware will enhance my effectiveness in working with computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I believe cleaning spyware off my computer will enhance my effectiveness in working with computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev & Hu, 2007)
  • Construct: Perceived Usefulness of Getting Information
      This website would be useful for getting valuable information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting valuable information about a product from a website is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      This website would enhance my effectiveness in getting useful information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting useful information about a product from a website is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Product Value
      Purchasing this product from this Web vendor would save me money within the next 30 days: (Extremely unlikely/likely).Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, saving money within the next 30 days is: (Not at all /Extremely important).Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I would purchase this product from this Web vendor at a bargain price within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting products at bargain prices within the next 30 days is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing
      During the last 30 days, I purchased this product from this Web vendor.Yes or Noe-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Attitude
      For me, purchasing this product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days would be.Scale 1 to 7, Very Bad to Good Ideae-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, purchasing this product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days would be.Scale 1 to 7, Very Undesirable to Desirablee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Controllability
      All necessary resources for purchasing this product from this Web vendor will be accessible to me within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Purchasing this product from this Web vendor will be completely under my control within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Habit
      Getting product information from this vendor’s website has become a habit for me.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Getting product information from this website has become natural for me.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Intentions
      I intend to purchase this product from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I plan to purchase this product from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Self-Efficacy
      If I wanted to, I would be able to purchase this product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      If I wanted to, I am confident I could purchase this product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Skills
      If I wanted to, I could become skillful at making good product purchasing decisions on the Web.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Becoming skillful at making good purchasing decisions on the Web would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      If I wanted to, I could easily become knowledgeable about purchasing products on the Web.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Becoming knowledgeable about Web purchasing would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Purchasing Subjective Norm
      Most people who are important to me think that it is fine to purchase a product from this Web vendor within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Completely Truee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Most people who are important to me would purchase this product from this Web vendor.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Completely Truee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Self-Efficacy
      I am confident that I can clean spyware off my system.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I am confident I can prevent unauthorized intrusion to my computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      I believe I can configure my computer to provide good protection from spyware.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev & Hu, 2007)
  • Construct: Self-Efficacy over Getting Information
      If I wanted to, I would be able to get information about this product from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      If I wanted to, I am confident I could get information about this product from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Subjective Norm
      Most people who are important to me think it is a good idea to clean spyware from my computers.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      Most people who are important to me think it is a good idea to prevent spyware from running on my computer.Scale 1 to 5, Completely Disagree to AgreeAnti-Spyware(Dinev, Goo, Hu, & Nam, 2009) (Dinev & Hu, 2007)
      People who are important to me think that I should use the system.Likert 1-7 and Scale 0 to 10, Disagree Completely to Agree CompletelyNot Specified(Kim, 2009) (Titah & Barki, 2009)
      People who influence me think that I should use the system.Likert 1-7 and Scale 0 to 10, Disagree Completely to Agree CompletelyNot Specified(Kim, 2009) (Titah & Barki, 2009)
  • Construct: Subjective Norm on Getting Information
      Most people who are important to me think it is a good idea to get information about this product from this website.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Completely Truee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Most people who are important to me would get information about this product from this website.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Completely Truee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Time Resources
      I expect to have the time needed to get information from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Having the time needed would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      There would always be time for me to get information from this website within the next 30 days.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Finding time would make it (much more difficult/easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Trust – Getting Information
      This Web vendor would be competent in providing objective information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting objective product information from a website is: (Not at all/Extremely important).Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      This Web vendor would be honest in providing accurate information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, getting accurate product information from a website is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Trust – Purchasing
      This Web vendor would be competent in delivering this product in a timely fashion.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, product delivery in a timely fashion is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      This Web vendor would be honest in its dealings when I purchase this product from it.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, a Web vendor that is honest in its dealings with its customers is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      This Web vendor would not seek to take advantage of me if I purchase this product from it.Scale 1 to 7, Extremely Unlikely to Likelye-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      For me, a Web vendor that does not seek to take advantage of its customers is.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to Extremely importante-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Web Vendor Reputation
      This Web vendor has a good reputation in the marketplace.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
  • Construct: Website Navigability
      I expect the sequencing of hyperlinks in this website to be clear.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agreee-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      Having a clear sequence of hyperlinks would make it (much more difficult/ easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easier e-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      I expect the layout of this website to be intuitive.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agree e-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)
      A website with an intuitive layout would make it (much more difficult/ easier) for me to get information about this product.Scale 1 to 7, Much More Difficult to Easiere-Commerce(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006)