
Context details. (MORE INFO)

Context: e-Government

Note: This list contains all the constructs (and corresponding measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying the theories/models in the selected context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.

  • Construct (Theory/Model): Compatibility (IDT)
      I think using the web would fit well with the way that I like to gather information from the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I think using the web would fit well with the way that I like to interact with the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Using the web to interact with the VA TAX would fit into my lifestyle.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Using the web to interact with the VA TAX would be incompatible with how I like to do things.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Relative Advantage (IDT)
      Using the web would enhance my efficiency in gathering information from the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Using the web would enhance my efficiency in interacting with the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Using the web would not make it easier to gather information from the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Using the web would make it easier to interact with the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Using the web would give me greater control over my interaction with the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Adoption Decision (IDT)
      Is your organization using the e-Government services for the following activities? If not, when do you intend to use it? (a) Ask questions online; (b) Download forms; (c) File applications online; (d) Check validity status; (e) Tender/bidding/handling of transactions online."Already Using it", "in =< 1 yrs", "in 1 < yrs =< 3", "in 3 < yrs =< 5", "in 5 < yrs =< 10", "> 10 yrs"(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): External Pressure (IDT)
      Please rate the pressure placed on your organization to adopt the use of e-Government services by your competitors.Scale 1 to 7, No Pressure at All to Extreme Pressure(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
      Please rate the pressure placed on your organization to adopt the use of e-Government services by industry sources (such as trade associations).Scale 1 to 7, No Pressure at All to Extreme Pressure(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
      Please rate the pressure placed on your organization to adopt the use of e-Government services by various governmental agencies.Scale 1 to 7, No Pressure at Al" to Extreme Pressure(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
      How often does your organization receive information regarding the adoption of e-Government services from sources outside your organization (such as industry associations, professional associations, or trade newsletters)?Scale 1 to 7, Never to Very Often(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
      How often does your organization receive information regarding the adoption of e-Government services from various governmental agencies?Scale 1 to 7, Never to Very Often(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Image (IDT)
      People who use the web to gather information from the VA TAX have a high profile.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      People who use VA TAX services on the web have a high profile.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      People who use the web to gather information from the VA TAX have more prestige than those who do not.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      People who use VA TAX services on the web have less prestige than those who do not.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Interacting with the VA TAX over the web enhances a person’s social status.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Management Profile (IDT)
      My organization’s management personnel has taken part in the following activities: (a) Attended computer classes relating to the Internet; (b) Used Internet services at home; (c) Use Internet services at work; (d) Have formal qualifications in the use and operations of a computer relating to the Internet.Scale 0-1, No-Yes(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Benefits (IDT)
      Please rate the importance of achieving each of the following benefits of using e-Government services in terms of your organization’s decision whether or not to adopt e-Government services: (a) Paper reduction; (b) Equivalent success with other organizations in the industry; (c) Reduced communication cost; (d) Improved accuracy; (e) Enhanced ability to compete; (f) Availability of forms online; (g) Filing applications online; (h) Tendering/bidding projects/jobs online; (i) Submit CPF contribution details; (j) Check validity status of various passes/permits online; (k) Availability of answers to queries online; (l) Faster approval of applications online; (m) Reduced errors in filling application forms.Scale 1 to 7, Not at all Important to Extremely Important(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Sensitivity to Cost Factors (IDT)
      Information technology can be used for a number of objectives. To what extent is information technology important for the fulfillment of the following objectives in your organization? (a) Personnel reduction; (b) Operational costs reduction; (c)Productivity improvements.Scale 1 to 7, Not at all Important to Extremely Important(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Social Influences (IDT)
      In the Internet-savvy age, firms that adopt e-Government services are perceived to be more attractive to prospective investors.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
      Society’s perception towards my organization will influence the adoption of e-Government services in my organization.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
      In my industry, the adoption of e-Government services is helpful in allowing an organization to remain competitive.Scale 1 to 7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Strategic Importance of IT (IDT)
      Information technology can be used for a number of objectives. To what extent is information technology important for the fulfillment of the following objectives in your organization? (d) Improved access to information; (e) Improved quality of decision making; (f) Improved competitiveness; (g) Improved service to customers.Scale 1 to 7, Not at all Important to Extremely Important(Tung & Rieck, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Intention to Use (Use) (TAM)
      I would use the web for gathering information from VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I would use VA TAX services provided over the web.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      Interacting with the VA TAX over the web is something that I would do.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I would not hesitate to provide information to the VA TAX website.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I would use the web to inquire about VA TAX services.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Ease of Use (TAM)
      Learning to interact with the VA TAX web site would be easy for me.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I believe interacting with the VA TAX web site would be a clear and understandable process.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I would find the VA TAX web site to be flexible to interact with.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      It would be easy for me to become skilful at using the VA TAX web site.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I would find a VA TAX web site difficult to use.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Usefulness (TAM)
      The VA TAX web site would enable me to complete transactions with VA TAX more quickly.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I think the VA TAX web site would provide a valuable service for me.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      The content of the VA TAX web site would be useless to me.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      The VA TAX web site would enhance my effectiveness in searching for and using VA TAX services.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I would find the VA TAX web site useful.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Trust of State Government (TAM)
      I think I can trust VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      The VA TAX can be trusted to carry out online transactions faithfully.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      In my opinion, VA TAX is trustworthy.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I trust VA TAX to keep my best interests in mind.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Trust of the Internet (TAM)
      The internet has enough safeguards to make me feel comfortable using it to interact with the VA TAX online.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      I feel assured that legal and technological structures adequately protect me from problems on the internet .Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)
      In general, the internet is now a robust and safe environment in which to transact with the VA TAX.Not Specified(Carter & Belanger, 2005)