
Context details. (MORE INFO)

Context: Microsoft Word

Note: This list contains all the constructs (and corresponding measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying the theories/models in the selected context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.

  • Construct (Theory/Model): Behavioral Intention to Use (TAM)
      I always try to use Microsoft Word to do a task whenever it has a feature to help me perform it.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      I always try to use Microsoft Word in as many cases/occasions as possible.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Ease of Use (TAM)
      Learning to operate Microsoft Word is easy for me.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      I find it easy to get Microsoft Word to do what I wanf it to do.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      My interaction with Microsoft Word is clear and understandable.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      I find Microsoft Word to be flexible to interact with.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      It is easy for me to become skillful at using Microsoft Word.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      I find Microsoft Word easy to use.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Long-term Usefulness (TAM)
      Knowledge of Microsoft Word can increase my flexibility of changing jobs.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Knowledge of Microsoft Word can increase the opportunity for more meaningful work.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Knowledge of Microsoft Word can increase the opportunity for preferred future job assignments.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Knowledge of Microsoft Word can increase the opportunity to gain job security.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Near-term Usefulness (TAM)
      Using Microsoft Word can enable me to accomplish tasks more quickly.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Using Microsoft Word can improve my job performance.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Using Microsoft Word can make it easier to do my job.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Using Microsoft Word in my job can increase my productivity.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      Using Microsoft Word can enhance my effectiveness on the job.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)
      I find Microsft Word useful in my job.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree(Chau, 1996)