
Context details. (MORE INFO)

Context: Interactive online help desk system and multimedia system for property management

Note: This list contains all the constructs (and corresponding measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying the theories/models in the selected context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.

  • Construct (Theory/Model): Behavioral Intention to Use (TAM)
      Assuming I had access to the system, I intend to use it.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Given that I had access to the system, I predict that I would use it.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Computer Anxiety (TAM)
      Computers do not scare me at all.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Working with a computer makes me nervous.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I do not feel threatened when others talk about computers.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      It wouldn’t bother me to take computer courses.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Computers make me feel uncomfortable.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I feel atease in a computer class.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I get a sinking feeling when I think of trying to use a computer.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I feel comfortable working with a computer.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Computers make me feel uneasy.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Computer Playfulness (TAM)
      The following questions ask you how you would characterize yourself when you use computers: spontaneous/ unimaginative/ flexible/ creative/ playful/ unoriginal/ uninventiveLikert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Ease of Use (TAM)
      My interaction with the system is clear and understandable.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Interacting with the system does not require a lot of my mental effort.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I find the system to be easy to use.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I find it easy to get the system to do what I want it to do.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Enjoyment (TAM)
      I find using the system to be enjoyable.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      The actual process of using the system is pleasant.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I have fun using the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Usefulness (TAM)
      Using the system improves my performance in my job.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Using the system in my job increases my productivity.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Using the system enhances my effectiveness in my job.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I find the system to be useful in my job.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceptions of External Control (TAM)
      I have control over using the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I have the resources necessary to use the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I have the knowledge necessary to use the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Given the resources, opportunities and knowledge it takes to use the system, it would be easy for me to use the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      The system is not compatible with other systems I use.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Voluntariness of Use (TAM)
      My superiors expect me to use the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      My use of the system is voluntary.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      My supervisor does not require me to use the system.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
      Although it might be helpful, using the system is certainly not compulsory in my job.Likert 1-7(Venkatesh, 2000)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceptions of Internal Control (TAM)
      I could complete the job using a software package if there was no one around to tell me what to do as I go.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I had never used a package like it before.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I had only the software manuals for reference.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I could call someone for help if I got stuck.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if someone else had helped me get started.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I had a lot of time to complete the job for which the software was provided.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I had just the built-in help facility for assistance.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if someone showed me how to do it first.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)
      I could complete the job using a software package if I had used similar packages before this one to do the same job.Guttman 1-10(Venkatesh, 2000)