
Context details. (MORE INFO)

Context: Instantaneous Voice Communication Service

Note: This list contains all the constructs (and corresponding measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying the theories/models in the selected context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.

  • Construct (Theory/Model): Attitude Towards Use (TAM)
      Using PTT is: Wise –Foolish.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      Using PTT is: Good –Bad.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      Using PTT is: Favourable –UnfavourableLikert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Intention to Use (Use) (TAM)
      I will use PTT in the future.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      If I buy a new mobile handset, I will pay attention to PTT capability of the handset.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      If I change the mobile operator, I will ensure that they offer PTT.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Ease of Use (TAM)
      I find PTT easy to use.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      For me it is easy to learn how to operate PTT.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      PTT is easily clear and understandable.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Enjoyment (TAM)
      I enjoy using.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      I like to use new technologies.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Perceived Usefulness (TAM)
      PTT helps me to accomplish my task more quickly.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      PTT is useful for me.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      PTT is valuable for my communication effectiveness.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Social Norm (TAM)
      I would use PTT if my friends use it.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      I would use PTT if my family uses it.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)
      I think my friends find PTT good.Likert 1-5(Dickinger, Arami, & Meyer, 2008)