
Context details. (MORE INFO)

Context: Groupware System

Note: This list contains all the constructs (and corresponding measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying the theories/models in the selected context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.

  • Construct (Theory/Model): Task Characteristics (TTF)
      Individual communication with each team member (e.g., through email systems). Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Communication and discussion with a number of team members at the same time (e.g., through bulletin board). Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Attainment, sharing, and assessment of knowledge and information.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Documentation and systematic management and retention of documents. Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Workflow management (setting the task procedure by assigning roles and sequences). Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Personal Scheduling. Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Technology Characteristics (TTF)
      Individual communication with each team member (e.g., through email systems).Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Communication and discussion with a number of team members at the same time (e.g., through bulletin board).Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Attainment, sharing, and assessment of knowledge and information.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Documentation and systematic management and retention of documents.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Workflow management (setting the task procedure by assigning roles and sequences).Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Personal Scheduling.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Groupware Use (TTF)
      Overall dependency on groupware.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Average duration of use per day.Likert 1-7, rarely/less than 30 minutes/0.5~1 hour/1~2 hours/2~3 hours/3~4 hours/more than 4 hours(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Average frequency of use per day.Likert 1-7, rarely/once a day/2~4 times a day/4~6 times a day/6~8 times a day/8~10 times a day/more than 10 times(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
  • Construct (Theory/Model): Individual performance improvement after groupware adoption (TTF)
      Time reduction in task completion.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Easier task execution.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)
      Capability enhancement in executing tasks.Likert 1-7, Extremely Large Extent to Extremely Small Extent(Yang, Kang, Oh, & Kim, 2013)