
Construct details. (MORE INFO)

Construct: Utilization

Note 1: Following are presented the definitions found for the construct in the used references, together with the theory/model.
Note 2: The same construct can be present in more than one theory/model.
Note 3: If the construct was not proposed in the original theory/model, it is identified as "Additional to theory/model".

Definition: The behavior of employing the technology in completing tasks.

Theory/model: TTF
Reference: (Goodhue & Thompson, 1995)

Note 1: This list contains all the indicators (measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying a theory/model in a context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.
Note 2: Some of the indicators are context-dependent.
Note 3: The same construct can be present in more than one theory/model.

Typically, how often did you use this service? [Frequency of use] Less than once a month/Once a month/Once a week/2–3 times a week/Most days.SelectionOnline ServicesIDT(Parthasarathy & Bhattacherjee, 1998)

Typically, how much time did you spend online each time you logged on? [Duration of use] Less than 15 minutes/15–20 minutes/30–60 minutes/1–2 hours/ Over 2 hours;SelectionOnline ServicesIDT(Parthasarathy & Bhattacherjee, 1998)

Currently, I cannot accomplish my tasks without the ERP systems.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP)TTF(Kositanurit, Ngwenyama, & Osei-Bryson, 2006)

If I have a choice to use any systems to perform my tasks, I still prefer to use the current system I use.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP)TTF(Kositanurit, Ngwenyama, & Osei-Bryson, 2006)

On the average, how frequently do you use the Kportal in your company? Never/almost never; Less than once a month; A few times a month; A few times a week; About once a day; Several times a day.SelectionKnowledge Management TechnologiesTTF(Teo & Men, 2008)

On the average, how much time do you spend per week using the K-portal in your company? Never/almost never; Less than 1 h; 1–2 h; 2–4 h; 4–7 h; More than 7 h.SelectionKnowledge Management TechnologiesTTF(Teo & Men, 2008)

Searching/retrieving knowledge.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to a Great ExtentKnowledge Management TechnologiesTTF(Teo & Men, 2008)

Synthesizing, summarizing or analyzing available knowledge.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to a Great ExtentKnowledge Management TechnologiesTTF(Teo & Men, 2008)

Collaborating with colleagues for knowledge purpose.Scale 1 to 7, Not at All to a Great ExtentKnowledge Management TechnologiesTTF(Teo & Men, 2008)