Construct details. (MORE INFO)
Definition: Refer to the anticipated advantages that an innovation, in this case e-Government services, can provide to the organization.
Theory/model: Additional to IDT
Reference: (Tung & Rieck, 2005)
Indicator | Scale | Context | Theory/Model | Reference(s) |
Please rate the importance of achieving each of the following benefits of using e-Government services in terms of your organization’s decision whether or not to adopt e-Government services: (a) Paper reduction; (b) Equivalent success with other organizations in the industry; (c) Reduced communication cost; (d) Improved accuracy; (e) Enhanced ability to compete; (f) Availability of forms online; (g) Filing applications online; (h) Tendering/bidding projects/jobs online; (i) Submit CPF contribution details; (j) Check validity status of various passes/permits online; (k) Availability of answers to queries online; (l) Faster approval of applications online; (m) Reduced errors in filling application forms. | Scale 1 to 7, Not at all Important to Extremely Important | e-Government | IDT | (Tung & Rieck, 2005) |