Construct details. (MORE INFO)
Definition: The favourable attitude of the customer towards an e-commerce system that results in repeat use/purchase behaviour.
Theory/model: Additional to DeLone and McLean
Reference: (Wang, 2008)
Indicator | Scale | Context | Theory/Model | Reference(s) |
Assuming that you have access to the e-commerce system, you intend to reuse it. | Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree | e-Commerce | DM | (Wang, 2008) |
You will reuse the e-commerce system in the future. | Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree | e-Commerce | DM | (Wang, 2008) |
You will frequently use the e-commerce system in the future. | Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to Agree | e-Commerce | DM | (Wang, 2008) |