
Construct details. (MORE INFO)

Construct: Use Behavior

Note 1: Following are presented the definitions found for the construct in the used references, together with the theory/model.
Note 2: The same construct can be present in more than one theory/model.
Note 3: If the construct was not proposed in the original theory/model, it is identified as "Additional to theory/model".

Definition: Not defined.

Theory/model: TAM3
Reference: (Venkatesh & Bala, 2008)

Definition: Not defined.

Theory/model: UTAUT
Reference: (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003)

Definition: Not defined.

Theory/model: UTAUT2
Reference: (Venkatesh et al., 2012)

Note 1: This list contains all the indicators (measuring variables) as defined by the authors when proposing/using/applying a theory/model in a context. It also includes the scales used to measure the variables.
Note 2: Some of the indicators are context-dependent.
Note 3: The same construct can be present in more than one theory/model.

On average, how much time do you spend on the system each day?Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeNot SpecifiedTAM(Venkatesh & Bala, 2008)

I rate my intensity of use of -collaboration tool- to be: Scale 1 to 7, Very Light to Very HeavyCollaboration ToolUTAUT(Brown, Dennis, & Venkatesh, 2010)

How frequently do you use -collaboration tool-: Scale 1 to 7, Never to Very FrequentlyCollaboration ToolUTAUT(Brown, Dennis, & Venkatesh, 2010)

On an average week, how much time (in hours) do you use -collaboration tool-?Direct AnswerCollaboration ToolUTAUT(Brown, Dennis, & Venkatesh, 2010)

Of the opportunities you have to use collaboration tools, including a telephone, what percentage of time do you choose -collaboration tool-?PercentageCollaboration ToolUTAUT(Brown, Dennis, & Venkatesh, 2010)

Please choose your usage frequency for: SMS.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeMobile InternetUTAUT(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012)

Please choose your usage frequency for: MMS.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeMobile InternetUTAUT(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012)

Please choose your usage frequency for: Ringtone and logo download.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeMobile InternetUTAUT(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012)

Please choose your usage frequency for: Java games.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeMobile InternetUTAUT(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012)

Please choose your usage frequency for: Browse websites.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeMobile InternetUTAUT(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012)

Please choose your usage frequency for:Mobile e-mail.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeMobile InternetUTAUT(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012)

When I can avoid using [the system], I do.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeNot SpecifiedUTAUT(Neufeld, Dong, & Higgins, 2007)

When given the choice between using or not using [the system] for a task, I usually choose not to use it.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeNot SpecifiedUTAUT(Neufeld, Dong, & Higgins, 2007)

When I can do a task using [the system], I will sometimes choose to use other ways to complete the task.Likert 1-7, Strongly Disagree to AgreeNot SpecifiedUTAUT(Neufeld, Dong, & Higgins, 2007)