Construct details. (MORE INFO)
Definition: The level of complex knowledge and understanding, as well as the amount of information required to fulfill work tasks.
Theory/model: Additional to DeLone and McLean
Reference: (Urbach, Smolnik, & Riempp, 2010)
Indicator | Scale | Context | Theory/Model | Reference(s) |
A high level of complex knowledge and understanding is required to perform my regular work. | Likert 1 -7, Very Low to Very High | Employee Portal | DM | (Urbach, Smolnik, & Riempp, 2010) |
I need a great deal of information to accomplish my tasks. | Likert 1 -7, Very Low to Very High | Employee Portal | DM | (Urbach, Smolnik, & Riempp, 2010) |
My job can be considered as very knowledge intensive. | Likert 1 -7, Very Low to Very High | Employee Portal | DM | (Urbach, Smolnik, & Riempp, 2010) |