Construct details. (MORE INFO)
Definition: The individual members’ a priori attitudes toward the technology that the group adopts.
Theory/model: Additional to TTF
Reference: (Sarker & Valacich, 2010)
Indicator | Scale | Context | Theory/Model | Reference(s) |
Using the tool for creating a flowchart is a bad/good idea. | Not Specified | Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visio | TTF | (Sarker & Valacich, 2010) |
Using the tool for creating a flowchart is a foolish/wise idea. | Not Specified | Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visio | TTF | (Sarker & Valacich, 2010) |
I like/dislike the idea of using the tool for creating a flowchart. | Not Specified | Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visio | TTF | (Sarker & Valacich, 2010) |
Using the tool for creating a flowchart is unpleasant/pleasant. | Not Specified | Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visio | TTF | (Sarker & Valacich, 2010) |